Sunday, 15 January 2012

Retreat Show & Tell

SCQuilters Townsville 2012– Show & Tell Digital Extravaganza

Hi SCQuilters!
This year at the Townsville SCQuilters Retreat, we will be doing something different for Show & Tell.  We understand how difficult it can be to lug your quilts around in suitcases, especially when dealing with unreasonable airline luggage restrictions.  We also think it’s important to leave room for your Knickers and Nighties, plus all the inevitable purchases on the Stash Enhancement eXpedition  (S.E.X., also known as Shop Hop).
We'll be running a Digital Show and Tell Extravaganza so that those at the Retreat watch Show and Tell at their leisure and as often as they like on a big projection screen, while relaxing in the Sit and Sew room.  This also means we can have many more Show & Tell items than we could otherwise. 
So, what do we need from you?  Pretty simple really.  Just email us some photos, preferably in .jpg format.

1.        A photo of you
2.       A photo of each of your quilts (the Show part)
3.       Some words describing each of your quilts (the Tell part) in the body of your email
Want to get an idea of what it will look like?  Here's a sample.    

Too easy!
Of course if you still want to bring real quilts, that is OK too.  We will have an abbreviated version of a regular real, live Show & Tell for those who prefer to do their Show and Tell the old fashioned way:  in person.
If you would like to participate in the Townsville Retreat Show and Tell Digital Extravaganza, a SCQuilters Retreat world first, please send your photos to  .  Right now, it looks like we'll need your photos by about the end of May to allow time to prepare the Retreat Show and Tell Digital Extravaganza.

Any Questions?  Please ask away on our Yahoo Groups forum

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